
Boker Minibar Multi-tool 150023

Multifunctional tool


1 in stock

Katalogové číslo: 150023 Kategorie: ,

Original price was: 1499 KčCurrent price is: 1389 Kč

1 in stock


Boker Minibar Multi-tool 150023

Designed by Jim Burke, this small tool is a bottle opener, screwdriver, hex,.Het bit is compatible with a quarter inch.

Length 11.43 mm

Material 440C

Weight 57.26 g

Böker Plus delivers excellent, innovative knife concepts for every mission. The knives are designed according to German engineering in cooperation with world-renowned experts such as Chad Los Banos, Jim Burke, Jim Wanger, Tod Begg, Jesper Voxnaes.

Böker – the history of the factory dates back to the 17th century. century, the original forge was then located in Remscheid. In the years 1829-30, production also expanded to include sabers and swords. At the time, the factory employed over 100 blacksmiths and grinders. In the second half of the 19th century, part of the family moved to the USA and Canada, where they established other production plants. The last of the Bocker siblings, Heinrich moved to Solingen, where most of today’s production comes from. Boker produces knives according to its own designs and according to the designs of well-known knifemakers.




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