Throwing Cold Steel TEMPLAR X

The Cold Steel Templar is a specialized throwing tool made for modern sport or competition throwing.


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Katalogové číslo: TH-130TMPZ Kategorie: , Tag


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Throwing Cold Steel TEMPLAR X.

The Cold Steel Templar is a specialized throwing tool made for modern sport or competition throwing. Designed by custom blade Dave Baker, the Templar is inspired by the ancient historical throwing ax known as the Hurlbat. Made from one solid piece of tough spring hardened carbon steel, the Templar is fun to throw and easy to use. In terms of “grabbing” potential, it’s the next best thing to a shuriken or throwing star, landing with a satisfying “thunk” time and time again! With an ax-style head, top and back tip and beveled tipped handle, it hits hard at almost any distance and spin, and the head-heavy balance allows for longer casts.

Weight: 16.9 oz

Blade thickness: 0.5 cm

Steel blades: 1065 with high carbon content

Style: Axe

Steel family: High carbon steels

Overall size. 37 cm




Cold Steel


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